Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I propose that you all get a copy of the three main articles in this month's Harper's magazine and we post on it together. You can't access these articles online so you'll either need to go buy a copy of the issue (borders sells them), go to the library, or give me your address and let me mail you a copy. The cover article is "Soldiers of Christ" consisting of two parts, I. "Inside America's Most Powerful Megachurch" by's Jeff Sharlet about Ted Haggert (pastor of New Life church in Colorado Springs and head of the National Association of Evangelicals), II. "Feeling the Hate with the National Religious Broadcasters" by Chris Hedges (author of highly recommended text War is a Force that Gives us Meaning). There is a third relevant article by Gordon Bigelow called "Let There Be Markets" on the relationship between Evangelicals and free market economics. As a collective whole the articles address aspects of evangelical culture that rarely are looked at by those within or outside evangelical Christianity. So if you want a mail copy e-mail me your address, otherwise I expect you all to purchase and read these in the next week or two.


At 4/28/2005 3:43 AM, Blogger Jeff BBz said...

well i guess that counts me out. if you want to mail me a copy I can comment on it in like 2 weeks, maybe. I really wish i could because I want to talk about NRB (national religious broadcasters) soooooo bad and wonder what he's got to say, having been a sweet award winning insider like myself and jonny, i've got the juice. oh well, i lose.


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