Thursday, January 15, 2004


Well, I guess the easiest answer is everyone. I think, as I assume Jake will go with this, the Bible is quite vocal about a "special" passion for the poor. I think there are two particular ways to look at this: Everyone is poor and there is more than food that the "needy" need.

I think God does have a special concern for those that are victims of injustice and the poor, but his love for all is seen in the passion he has for all to see how extremely needy they are. I think for people like me who struggle with pride, find a sense of humility and connection to the world when they are connecting with people in real financial hardship. Unfortunately, when we are with people of poor spirit, we come out frustrated, disgusted, and exhausted. For me, it is the Freshmen in my hall who still live and breath as if popularity is worth anything. The ones who pick on the kid who is not as athletic or cool. I usually just want to hit them. Somehow, in those minutes, I think that I am really being called to do exactly what I am doing, which likely relates more to the second definition I gave...

I think God is in the business of seeing his people working towards changing structures that are inherently unjust. My passion is working with college students, challenging their beliefs, and stretching their intellect. I do this in the residence hall and I am starting to see how it works in the classroom as well. Perhaps, I won't be the one who goes into social work or takes a high political office, but maybe one of my students could. Maybe a student that goes with me on a short term mission experience to Boston and starts making connections between that experience and their sociology class work could lead to a follower of Jesus committing their life directly to social change. I don't think this takes me off the hook of direct ministry to those in poverty in my community or those who are poor in spirit, but it does give a vision and a strategy to how my deepest passions connect with the worlds deepest needs...



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